The Dos and Don’ts of Tracking Calls for Small Businesses

Many businesses use call tracking as a tool for marketing analytics. Call monitoring allows you to identify the channel, phrase, and marketing message that motivated a customer to call. You may customise the consumer experience by using call tracking. The information gathered can help you improve your marketing strategies and grow your company. You can identify what is working and what is not in customer conversations and decide the best course of action to maximize sales when you have clear visibility into customer calls.

There is no doubt that you should be tracking calls, but before you start, it’s critical to understand how you should and shouldn’t track calls.

Tracking Calls for Small Businesses

Guidelines for Call Tracking

You must make sure to accomplish a few things when installing call tracking. Some of the most crucial are listed below:

Strategically Position Calls to Action

Customers must click your call-to-action (CTA) button in order for call tracking to function. This means that you must carefully position the CTA button on landing pages. You can also include a phone number on the button, but make sure users are aware that they can use it to contact and speak with an agent at their convenience so that all of your calls can be monitored.

Implement dynamic number insertion

A special number is associated with each call source thanks to the call-tracking technology known as Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI). You may monitor which advertising, campaigns, and keywords result in phone calls and which ones don’t by using DNI. A piece of JavaScript on your website typically takes care of this by dynamically generating a unique number whenever a visitor loads. Additionally, it won’t have an impact on your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) or the listings for your name, address, and phone number (NAP).

Track Performance

Most likely, one of the key motives for your interest in call tracking is performance monitoring. It will make it easier for you to link each conversion to a specific marketing message and distribution method. You can tell which methods are effective and which ones require improvement by looking at the figures. You should keep tabs on the following call metrics:

  • Calls made.
  • Call duration Call day of the week.
  • Location of the caller New callers.
  • Rate of conversation.

You may track each of these indicators by marketing message and channel to learn more about their individual conversion rates and what you can do to improve them.

Track Calls

Call recording is an essential call intelligence technique that you should be implementing in addition to call monitoring. You are losing some crucial information if you aren’t recording calls. You can assess the caliber of the leads you are receiving by listening to recordings of your calls. These recordings are particularly helpful for giving you information about the standard of your client care. In addition, they can be utilized to instruct and train new call agents.

Don’ts while Tracking Calls

Although there are fewer dos than don’ts, you shouldn’t ignore them because doing so can reduce the effectiveness of your call tracking.

Use a different toll-free number for each of your marketing campaigns

Use a different number for each message and campaign to ensure that your tracking is as accurate as possible. Instead of manually tracking the source of calls, which can result in costly blunders and human error, you can assign conversions to the appropriate channels automatically in this manner.

Calls shouldn’t be counted as conversions

A call by itself cannot be used to determine success because it is not a conversion. This might give you a false sense of success when you may not be, and it can drive you to concentrate more on increasing call volume than on improving conversion rates. You must establish explicit criteria that classify a call as a conversion when employing calls in your conversion rate calculations. These terms can refer to certain acts conducted during the call, its length, or other elements.

If Call Tracking Numbers Affect NAP, Don’t Use Them

Because the phone number creation takes place in JavaScript that is running in a visitor’s browser, dynamic number insertion functions on your website. This is never seen by Google, and it has no bearing on how they interpret your name, address, and phone number. However, using inconsistent phone numbers on independent websites like Yelp, Facebook, and Google Business might hurt your listings.

Call tracking is essential for business expansion

Your business growth strategy may be improved with the use of call tracking metrics such as call conversion rates, origin, volume, and closure rates. These analytics can also help you transform a failing approach into a successful one.

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