Guidelines for Increasing Interactivity in Your Content

Your brand should be interactive with your customers. It’s simply in our nature. The purpose of consumers is not just to consume information. They want to participate, contribute, and have some fun. Interactive elements should form the core of your approach as you undertake a website redesign or plan your content schedule.

It’s time to use interactive content to increase traffic and improve your conversion rate if your weekly content is only a blog post and a few photographs on social media. We’re going over the many ways to establish detailed client personas and raise your brand awareness, from interacting with vanity phone numbers to creating customer quizzes.

Guidelines for Increasing Interactivity Content

Use interactive content because…

Interactive content has a natural draw, according to reports from seasoned marketers. In a survey by :

  • According to 79% of marketers, interactive content improves a brand’s message’s reputation.
  • 79 percent of respondents believe that interactive material encourages repeat business.
  • More than 75% of respondents believed that interactive material draws website users’ attention.

Customers want to have a better idea of what it’s like to buy your service or product by watching movies, browsing product photos, and taking a virtual tour of your business.

If realizing that the majority of marketers employ interactive content isn’t enough to spur you on to go outside the box of boring content, perhaps some of these advantages will.

Higher engagement: According to Wordstream, almost six out of ten executives would rather watch a video than read text.

Users are 40 times (yes, 40 times) more inclined to share interactive content, such as online quizzes and animated gifs, than text.

Create a customer persona You can better personalize your content to your audience’s preferences by gathering consumer data using methods for data collection, such as surveys and polls.

Enhances marketing initiatives: A strategic marketing plan is created by combining interactive content with other marketing initiatives, such as text marketing or using a personalized  number.

Your entertaining content can still be educational even if it is entertaining. While encouraging consumers to click, watch, and share, you also want them to become familiar with your company.

Interactive Content Examples

Explore the suggestions that naturally prompt engagement below to identify the kind of material that most effectively and engagingly portrays your brand.


As you collect their contact information, allow your users to take a quiz on a subject related to your brand. Despite some of the more silly questions, releases close to eight new quizzes every day, and they’re hugely popular. From these shareable quizzes, learn these two things:

  1. The brief quizzes only include eight questions and may be completed in one click.
  2. The question to share your quiz results and encourage friends to participate comes right away.

Your audience will remain interested in the quizzes, and you can tailor your landing pages to request an email address so that you can send out more quizzes and product promos to that address.


Infographics with text-based content may initially seem to fall into a different category, but data show otherwise. When you add color and straightforward images to your user content, it will linger with consumers longer than a blog post or other written material because people will recall 65% of what they see visually. According to, visuals like charts, graphics, and photos (all components of a fantastic infographic) enhance readership by 80%.

Text Advertising

Every day, more than six billion SMS are sent, and your company needs to be among them. Utilizing interactive content to learn more about your audience and boost conversions, you can easily and familiarly approach your clients with marketing SMS.

Approximately 98% of text messages used for marketing are opened. It is easy to understand the benefit of include text marketing when comparing that response rate to an average of 20% for email and a 0.9% click-through rate for Facebook advertisements.


By 2023, watching videos will account for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic, according to Cisco. It’s the pinnacle of interactive media. In addition to being visually stimulating and eager to learn more about your company, viewers are poised to share the video with others when given the opportunity. Making videos exclusively for social media is the interactive experience your clients want since, according to Wordstream, social videos are shared 1200% more frequently than text and photos put together.

Does My Brand Suit Interactive Content?

The entryway to a gold mine of engagement and sales is interactive content, regardless of your specialization. As your customers share your material, you get to connect with them and build brand exposure. Social networking, text marketing, online tests, and vanity phone numbers should all be part of your digital marketing plan. Discover the plans and costs, then start implementing your SMS marketing strategy right away.

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