How Should You Use Call Tracking?

Call monitoring is comparable to the Swiss Army knife of marketing technology in that it may be used for a variety of purposes but is frequently underused. It helps to comprehend what call tracking is, how it operates, and how to use it to increase the efficacy of your operation in order to get the most out of a marketing strategy that relies on it. The fundamentals of employing call monitoring to enhance your marketing procedures are listed below. 

How Should You Use Call Tracking

How Can Call Tracking Be Used to Analyze Data?

Call tracking involves much more than just call routing. Additionally, you have the chance to gather crucial company data that you can utilize to modify your marketing strategies. With call tracking, you place yourself in a position to collect the information needed to identify and fix any problems with your marketing approach.

You can use call tracking, for instance, to:

  • Identify the phone number from which the call came.
  • Examine the call’s source.
  • Identify the caller by name.
  • View crucial call information, like the time the call was placed and its duration.

This information gives a high-level overview of each call, the caller, and some important details about the encounter. Here are some strategies for optimizing your marketing system using this data.

Determine which number campaigns are the most successful by using call tracking

What does number equal? Even though costs can vary, the benefits frequently outweigh the costs. But without knowing which calls originate from which number, it might be challenging to obtain concrete data on your ROI. Call monitoring is useful in this situation.

By using the corporate florist in Boston as an example, you may learn a lot about each call’s source and its effectiveness. You may count the calls you receive from each source using call tracking, and you can then analyze the data to find and fix problems.

For instance, if the Lynn campaign’s phone number receives few calls and the Framingham campaign’s receives many, there may be a problem with the Lynn number, particularly with the way it is being marketed. You can check your Google analytics for the Lynn number-related ad campaigns after gathering this data. If your click-through rate is lower than you expected based on Google Analytics statistics, it may be because customers aren’t seeing enough of your online marketing materials to be compelled to contact.

In some instances, for instance, you might find that visitors to your landing page don’t move on to a gallery showcasing the various options you provide. Instead of just sitting back and wondering what went wrong, call tracking gives you the business intelligence you need to point you in the correct direction.

Utilize Call Tracking to Locate the “Perfect” Call

For each product, the time needed to close a transaction varies, but generally speaking, the longer someone stays on the phone, the better. Extended time on the phone can be a sign of trust in the salesperson, the product, or contentment with the level of service because they are free to hang up whenever they wish.

On the other hand, some people may talk on the phone for a lengthy time for reasons that undermine a successful sales strategy, like switching between people and being placed on hold. You can determine the “perfect” call from a sales standpoint using call tracking, especially when it comes to the duration.

You can utilize this knowledge to:

  • Train sales staff on how to converse with consumers in a way that satisfies their demands and makes them feel at ease.
  • Set goals for under-engaging employees to motivate them to spend a little more time on the phone developing connections with leads.
  • Encourage your talkative friends to try to spend a little more time listening than talking.

You can also use call tracking data to link successful calls to crucial business indicators. As a result, you may more precisely identify the “perfect” call and reproduce successes to produce phone conversations that are more conducive to sales.

Call tracking can be utilized to:

  • In contrast to previous callers, count the number of unique callers. There is something each employee is doing well to inspire consumers to call again and make them more inclined to make a purchase, for example, if numbers with more return callers are earning higher sales.
  • Count the number of voicemails that clients leave. A voicemail might be an indication of interest even though it is a one-way communication. If the caller calls back, for example, it may be a sign that they had a good call experience in the past, everything else being equal.
  • Pay close attention to the time of day the call was made. You may use this information to better time when you post material on social media – between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm may be better than early in the morning — if people frequently call after work on their way home, for instance.
Success of Advertising Campaigns

Measure the Success of Advertising Campaigns

You may easily assign a special number to each campaign and then track its call data to see which advertising efforts are doing the best. By doing this, you can correctly assign the success to the campaign that deserves it rather than looking at your entire marketing portfolio and allocating credit—or blame—equitably.

Consider the scenario where you are in charge of marketing for a plumbing business. The organization hires plumbers from various regions, and when a customer needs work done, it contacts one of the local plumbers on the team. You run various social media campaigns to more effectively target particular areas. Others include publishing links to articles on plumbing issues. Some involve paid advertising.

You want to know which campaign inspires your target market to contact you and make a service request or inquiry. The paid advertisements appear pricey because clicks don’t always result in calls, but posting about articles takes more work.

Utilizing call tracking, you may examine the information obtained by monitoring calls originating from each campaign. Imagine, for example, that you receive 450 calls from the paid advertising campaign over the course of a month and 500 calls from the social media posts over the same time frame. With this information in hand, you may calculate your investment in each channel and then get specific ROI figures.

Examining the number of conversions that each number generates in relation to the volume of calls is another approach to make use of this data. For instance, if more sales come from calls coming from article postings than from paid advertisements, that may indicate that your article posts are more effective at attracting motivated clients than your paid advertisements.

You can employ regional vanity phone numbers to give clients as many options as possible for getting in touch. So, if someone is using a landline outside of the area, they can call without worrying about paying for the call. A toll-free number helps to clean up your data set because it eliminates the expense of some calls. As a result, everyone who wants to call actually does, providing you with a more accurate picture of each campaign’s effectiveness.

Focus on Specific Call Types by Filtering Your Results

With the help of a powerful call monitoring system, you may limit your findings and look solely at the statistics for particular kinds of interactions. If you have a lot of calls on one screen and want to focus on a smaller number, this is really useful.

For instance, you can select a certain number in your filter settings if you want to know the typical length of time someone speaks on the phone while contacting that number. The necessary data is then readily available. This tool also allows you to examine how many calls for a particular subset of interactions were missed, answered, or sent to voicemail.

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